

I am a former creator of custom upholstered furnishings supplied to interior designers in Ontario. When I retired at age 65, I picked up a paintbrush for the first time with the sole purpose of decorating my own home and painted 3 paintings for my walls.

When the Covid lockdowns struck, I needed to cope with confinement. I remembered what fun it was to paint and decided to educate myself in all things painting and drawing. I ended up with 90 paintings in 14 months and needed a website to help me sell some of them. I have developed a fascination with realism which evolved into impressionism, then abstract, and now I love anything that can be done with oil paints. This hobby turned quickly into an obsession and selling art has become a means to support this passionate habit.

I am happy to have been recognized both nationally and internationally for several pieces varying in subject and style.

My only goal in my work is to create paintings that “make you smile”


519 738 4424